In order to benefit the most from these lessons, you should open XCode and try to follow along. This means lots of hands on work and practice! We’re taking a practical approach to learning iOS programming.
So there we are, rant over, it's actually an OK IDE for the most part and I do actually enjoy writing software for iOS.Updated Oct 3 2013: This tutorial is compatible with XCode 5 AND XCode 4!
What makes that really, really frustrating is that my iPhone will auto-update, and until I update Xcode I can't run anything because each new iOS version needs an Xcode update. Anyway, with Xcode and Office installed, I have around 8GB free normally, and that isn't enough to update Xcode - it seems to need double the size of the app in free disk space to just run an update, and it's a pretty big app. We can't all afford to spend basically every penny we have to get more than 128GB disk space. For a long time, Apple sold laptops with comically small disks. Random crashes of the text editor, random blank regions of story boards, random 100% CPU usage from some swift thing or other, random build errors that just go away, random not connecting to an iOS device to run a new build - those are the problems I see on an almost daily basis. Xcode is OK, but it has too many bugs and quirks really. I've been programming for a while, and I've used quite a few of the major IDEs. Mostly OK, still a little buggy, updates are way too big Some features may require Internet access.
To submit your apps to the App Store you must be a member of the Apple Developer Program. To test or run applications on an iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, or Apple Watch all you need is a free Apple ID.
Create custom instruments with unique visualizations to analyze your own code and frameworks. Analyze your app directly, or sample the entire system with very little overhead. Identify performance bottlenecks, then dive deep into the code to uncover the cause. Compare CPU, disk, memory, and GPU performance as graphical tracks over time. Data tips and Quick Look can inspect a variable by hovering your mouse over code while debugging. Open Quickly instantly opens any file within your project. Refactoring makes it easy to modify the structure of Swift, Objective-C, C, and C++ code. #WHAT IS AN XCODE PROFESSIONAL#
Professional editor and debugger keep your code front and center
Animations are built using simple commands that describe the action you want to see. SwiftUI code is always in perfect sync with the graphical design canvas and previews.
Preview SwiftUI code or UIKit interfaces in different screen sizes, orientations, and font sizes. Design canvas graphically builds UI views using the library of controls and modifyers. SwiftUI uses declarative Swift code that clearly describes your interface. SwiftUI and Interface Builder make it easy to design your interface Source control navigator and service integrations help you manage code across a team. Live issues display errors as you type, and Fix-its improve your code with just a click.
Split editors in virtually unlimited ways, show previews, or choose an assistant to see related content. View debugging shows a 3D stack of all your app's UI view layers at runtime. Playgrounds are a fun way to experiment and interact with Swift code. SwiftUI is a revolutionary framework to create user interfaces with a declarative Swift syntax. Swift is an intuitive programming language that is safe, fast, and modern. Innovative tools help you create great apps Xcode includes the Xcode IDE, Swift and C/C++/Objective-C compilers, Instruments analysis tool, simulators, the latest SDKs, and hundreds of powerful features: The Xcode IDE combined with the Swift programming language make developing apps easy and fun. Xcode provides developers a unified workflow for user interface design, coding, testing, and debugging. Xcode includes everything developers need to create great applications for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and Apple Watch.